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My appointment went really well, friendly employees especially Sage, very friendly, knowledgeable, and an asset to your office.

Ken Yoder, 04/16/2024

My appointment went really well, friendly employees especially Sage, very friendly, knowledgeable, and an asset to your office.

Ken Yoder, 04/16/2024

To Whom It My Concern;
I feel very fortunate to be a patient at Faculty Physicians. I am treated with care and compassion. Especially from Sage. She is very careful and aware of the pain I experience. When she is finished with my treatment and applying my boot, they are very comfortable.
I am informed of side effects if I get any. I am to come right back in for it to be corrected. Sage is a benefit to your practice.
P.S. It is easy to follow staff instructions.

Theodore Cooper

Wanted to thank the doctor and Sage. They were so nice and caring. Really appreciate them both.

Patricia Miller, 04/08/2024

Today was my appointment with Sage and Dr. Hasler. It was a great experience, very Professional And painless. I will be back in 10 weeks.

Joseph Drach, 03/03/2024

Sage is a great person. She does a fantastic job and has a great personality.

Jerry, 02/15/2024

To Concern;
On February 1224 we have so good experience with Miss Sage treats excellent, professional and good character.

Mr and Mrs. Manuel Santana, 02/12/2024

My name is George Brown and I am a diabetic with a history of slow healing wounds. Three months ago, upon my doctor’s orders, I started going to SWCA in Knoxville, TN for care for a large wound on the bottom of my foot. Skin grafts were placed on my wound during several visits over the next two-and-a-half months, and the wound has now completely healed. The environment was always pleasant at SWCA and I enjoyed speaking with the staff during my visits. I highly recommend SWCA for anyone that might need wound care.

George Brown

My name is James Rodgers. I was referred to you by my Primary Care Doctor John M. Robertson with an open wound on the front of my left leg below the knee. You immediately worked me in to see me in the Harrogate location, which I was so glad you could see me so rapidly! Your staff was so nice and so professional and really cared about my well-being. I can’t say enough about all of you, some I only met on the phone. So courteous! I thank you for your knowledge and expertness that you used to get me healed. I’m glad you care enough for helping people outside your area, traveling for miles to help others in need. You are a great group of people! Thank you so much.

James Rodgers

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